Jean Sylvester told Bruce and Alice Kinney, on their second day of residence at The Highlands, that a banquet of this type is not an every day meal. |
Frank and Dorothy Farner dressed in their festive best for the cocktail party. Note the photo of a much younger John Wasileski on the wall behind the Farners. |
Ellen Miller enjoyed the wine social. |
Phyllis Fernald and Roma Cook enjoying the party. |
Marilyn Crandlemire composed and led us in singing the Anniversary Song, "Enjoy Yourself," which is reproduced below: |
Donna Wagley & Betty Gibson dressed up for the occasion. |
Mary Broderick & Ellie Teft enjoyed themselves. |
Staff members Sandy Lewis, Sandra Hansen and Brigitte Simard all contributed greatly to the success of the events celebrating the 20th Anniversary. |
Alice Kinney is a valued newcomer to The Highlands. |
Jean Sylvester's Anniversary Poem was read at one of the major events. |
Marcus Nordberg and Pritz Davis are a handsome couple. |
Barbara Thompson & William French listening to the music. |
Pat & Don Aikens really "dolled up"! |
John Tyler and many others enjoyed the horse-drawn carriage rides. |
A barbeque under a tent in front of Cadigan Lodge wrapped up the three-day event. |