All Info Pertaining to The Highlands

All Info Pertaining to The Highlands
Jean and I moved to The Highlands in the Fall of 2007 from our home on Cousins Island in Yarmouth where we had lived for 30 wonderful years. I often think that I'd like to share a thought or an experience about our life here at The Highlands with other folks . . . and by this "blog" I am going to do so. One other thought. The Highlands is not in any way responsible for this website. This is wholly the personal responsibility of Stan Sylvester. Jean Sylvester has her own site at mostly devoted to her writings, her poetry and her experience as a professional cat care person in Yarmouth. SPECIAL NOTE TO VISITORS: In addition to scrolling down to view contents of my blog, when you reach the bottom you can click on "older posts" to review all the topics I've posted.

Friday, March 16, 2012

We had an informative tour of Portland with Jim Millinger

On March 6, 2012, twenty knowledge seekers from The Highlands went on the van to visit Portland and learn about this very historic seaport and commercial city.

As a preface, Jim gave us a half-hour introduction about the history of Portland and how maps of the city had changed over the years, particularly the filling in the waterfront and the development of Commercial Street.

Here is the vanload of "Happy Campers" en route to Portland.

After touring State Street, Congress Street, the Eastern Promenade, Fort Allen Park and some of Fore Street, we had lunch at Gilbert's Chowder House on Commercial Street.

Don't go to Gilbert's for a steak dinner, but if you want a lovely seafood meal, try this restaurant.

Tummies full, we reboarded the van to continue our exploration of the Old Port area, more of Fore Street, the western part of Commercial Street, the Western Promenade, Deering Avenue, Park Avenue, Deering's Oaks and then back to Topsham.

And this is Jim Millinger, teacher and historian, who pointed out in this photograph that Gilbert's Chowder House is located at the site of Lundgren's Market, near the former waiting room and ticket counter of the Casco Bay Lines.  We were all very appreciative of Jim's sharing his knowledge and research with us on March 6th.

Friday, January 27, 2012

An Evening in Tuscany

About once a month, there is a "theme night" in the dining room of the Maine Lodge. On January 26, 2012, we celebrated an Italian night, "An Evening in Tuscany."

Helene Linenthal & Louise Cornman with a poster of Lake Como

Marketing expert Jay Pappas sharing fellowship with Karen Jensen

Lonnie Norton adding her knowledge of Tuscany

Patty and Stephanie kept us supplied with wine and appetizers

Jo Atlass & Mike Trenholm enjoyiong the event

Heidi Krahn enjoying the red wine

Chef Jason is so skilled that he can make a Caesar salad with his eves closed

Chef Craig came to the table to make an individual Caesar salad

So many residents and guests attended that this is a photo of the persons
still waiting to be seated at 6:15 PM
Jean and I shared in the good fellowship

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Year's Eve 2011 at The Highlands

New Year's Eve at The Highlands is fun. This year, after wine and drinks and appetizers in the Activity Room, we had a candlelight dinner in the Dining Room. The waitstaff really dressed up for the occasion, looking very professional in their white shirts and black bow ties. Below is the smiling group.

Here is our Dining Staff on December 31, 2011

Helene Linenthal in a fancy dress

Norma & Ron Wise all dolled up

Pegita & Frank Campagna

Jo Atlass

Lois Wilcox having fun
Jean & Stan Sylvester